Therapy and Testing Fees

Therapy and Testing Fees

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Initial Intake


Individual for 45 minutes


Individual for 60 minutes


Space Group

$100 per session (10 sessions)

Psychological Testing

$200 per hour

Coaching Fees

$275 per hour

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you accept insurance?

In-network coverage is dependent on the provider with limited contracting. Most clients receive some out-of-network reimbursement for our services. We will provide you with a monthly statement to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

How do I determine if insurance will reimburse me for therapy?

Insurance reimbursement rates vary depending on the specific plan.  Please call your insurance company and inquire about out-of-network mental health benefits. We recommend asking your insurance company what percentage they reimburse for 45-minute, weekly therapy sessions with a licensed psychologist; the CPT code for 45-minute sessions is 90834. Also, ask your insurance company if there is a deductible you must meet before receiving reimbursement, if there is any preauthorization required, and if there is a limit to the annual number of sessions or the number of sessions per week for which they will provide reimbursement.

What form of payment do you accept?

Payment is expected at the time of service. A credit card or health saving card can be kept on file in our HIPAA secure client portal. We also accept payment in the form of cash or check at the time of each session. For SPACE group, we ask for your commitment for all 10 sessions as seating is limited.

What is the rescheduling and cancellation policy?

At least 24-hour notification is required to reschedule or cancel appointments. Without this notification, you will be expected to pay for the full session.

No Surprises Act

As part of your intake and treatment plan process, we will discuss fees with you regarding your treatment. As part of the No Surprises ACT enacted in Jan 2022, you can request a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) at any time, which is based on our expected sessions costs of your treatment. An individualized fee plan will be provided to you for an estimated length of treatment. For example, if you attended weekly 45-minuted individual sessions for nearly a year (50 weeks), you would pay $10,000. GFEs are adjusted to account for changes in session lengths.